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Fixing Dawn Multi-Column Hover/Clickable Issue Like a Pro

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    Entaice Braintrust

Fixing Dawn Multi-Column Hover/Clickable Issue Like a Pro

So, there I was, sipping my morning coffee—strong and bitter, just how I like it. I found myself lost in one of those rabbit holes we all stumble into: the Shopify forums. I mean, let’s be honest, who hasn't gone down the tech forum abyss hoping to find a solution but instead, ends up learning about why hedgehogs can't eat bread? Anyway, amidst that whirlwind of trivia, one fellow Shopify user’s post grabbed my attention. They had upgraded to Dawn 15.2 and, just like Humpty Dumpty, their multicolumn setup wouldn't come back together again. It was tragic, almost Shakespearian.

What does one do in moments of crisis? We troubleshoot, of course! So, let's embark on this little journey of technical sorcery together, friends. We will solve this mystery by penning down every tip and trick in the guide to restore the aesthetic splendor of a multicolumn with that sweet seamless hover and clickable action. Buckle up!

Step-by-Step Journey to Multicolumn Magic

Remember when everyone was into Saturday morning cartoons? Well, think of this guide as your nostalgic fix of insightful tech-tips animated with energy and odd quirks. Let’s fix this!

  1. Understand The Scene of The Crime

    First things first, we have to pinpoint where things went awry. The multicolumn setup worked splendidly in Dawn 15.0, but fell apart after the update to 15.2. Sometimes theme updates mess with CSS selectors due to changes in classes or HTML structure. Here, site-specific classes like section-template--16969461891234__multicolumn_V4tqcT-padding might have changed. Makes you miss the days when code was as simple as a 2D Mario game, doesn't it?

  2. Compare the HTML Structure

    Navigate through the developer tools (press F12 or right-click anywhere on the page and select "Inspect"). Pop open the Elements tab and drill down to your multicolumn section. See if any class names have changed. It’s like detective work, except instead of solving crimes, we solve codes—the cooler, geekier kind.

  3. Update Your CSS Selectors

    Changes in the theme's backbone (the HTML) mean you'll need to tweak the CSS selectors to match. Here, it's important to align your selectors with the new structure. Find any instances of the class that might have shifted slightly like a cat pushing everything off your table when you're not looking.

    Let's say the class is now section-template--12345__column. Update your selectors:

    .page-width.section-template--12345__column .multicolumn-card__info {
        position: absolute;
        top: 50%;
        left: 50%;
        transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

    The trick is to wave that magical wand—your updated CSS—and voila, you've conjured up your desired outcome.

  4. Hover & Zoom with Style

    As you hover, you want images or titles to zoom, right? It's like that dramatic zoom effect in movies when a character realizes life-altering news. Keep your hover transformations smooth as jazz with the following snippet:

    .my-column-link:hover img {
        transition: transform 0.8s ease;
        transform: translate(-50%) scale(1.05);
  5. Overlay Magic

    An alluring overlay as you hover? Snazzy. We make it so by maintaining layers akin to a gourmet lasagna. Your Z-index game needs to be strong:

    .my-column-link .media::before {
        content: '';
        position: absolute;
        left: 0;
        right: 0;
        bottom: 0;
        top: 0;
        background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
        z-index: 0;
        opacity: 0;
    .my-column-link:hover .media::before {
        opacity: 1;
        transition: opacity 0.8s ease;
  6. Test, Test, and Test Again

    Before declaring victory worthy of its own parade, plunge into various devices and browsers. Check that your multimedia masterpiece displays seamlessly across screens like a fine Van Gogh in a gallery.

So, as the sun sets on our little adventure through code and coffee, we emerge victorious—our multicolumn transforms, hovers, and clicks like the pro it always aspired to be. And here we stand, mere mortals, wielding the power of CSS, humbled yet thrilled by the magic we create. Until our next tech tale, my friends, keep coding and stay caffeinated!