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Moving the 'Frequently Bought Together' Block A Journey of Discovery
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Moving the 'Frequently Bought Together' Block: A Journey of Discovery
I remember the day Lucy, my ever-curious niece, asked me why the moon followed us home. I had no clue how to explain gravitational pulls or orbital mechanics to an 8-year-old. Yet, that inquisitiveness she showed stuck with me. That's what leads us onto paths of discovery, isn't it? And just like Lucy’s persistent wonderment about the moon, a well-placed feature on your Shopify store can illuminate your sales game. Today, we’re on a quest to move the 'Frequently Bought Together' block after the buy button on Shopify—a tiny tweak that can make a world of difference.
Our First Steps: Understanding the Landscape
Picture this: a bustling marketplace—or website, in our case—where shoppers are guided by the tiniest cues. For instance, our Shopify friend from the forum wants to move the 'Frequently Bought Together' block to a more strategic position. The idea? To catch the shopper's attention just after they’ve added something to their cart. It’s like setting the pièce de résistance right in front of the customer, after they've ordered their main course.
So, let’s dive into the HTML labyrinth to relocate our treasured block. We’ll push and prod through the code akin to Lucy exploring those craggy sidewalks on a moonlit night.
A Little HTML Adventure
Before we plunge into the technical steps, it's worth mentioning: Backup. Yes, just like you’d hold Lucy’s hand near a busy street, ensuring you save a backup of your theme (just in case things go wonky) is crucial. Alright, deep pockets and brave hearts—let's roll!
Access Your Shopify Admin: Head over to your Shopify admin panel. It's like the control center of a spaceship ready to explore the unknown.
Navigate to Online Store: Click on 'Online Store' then 'Themes'. Look for the ‘Actions’ dropdown and select ‘Edit code’. The treasure chest of your website's frontend is before you now.
Locate the Product Template: Look for something like
. It's akin to finding the right page in Lucy's bedtime storybook.product-template.liquid
might also be the name you're looking for, especially if you’re using a more modern or complex theme.Find the ‘Frequently Bought Together’ Block: You’re on a scavenger hunt now—search for a liquid snippet or HTML block resembling something like
{% include 'frequently-bought-together' %}
or similar. It's much like finding Waldo, only here you know what he looks like.Reposition the Block: Now, the climax of our tale: cut or copy this block of code and paste it just after the buy button section within your template. Usually, this area is marked by something akin to
<button class="buy-button">
.Save and Check: Once you've moved your block and the excitement settles, don’t forget to save your changes. Now, flip back to the preview of your store as if opening a novel’s final chapter, waiting to see if it all aligns just right.
Reflect and Adjust
Just as Lucy and I often adjust our path to catch the best moonlit view, it might take a few tweaks to get everything perfect. Check mobile views and different screen sizes. Our new positioning is to capture the buyer’s interest when they’re most engaged—but always test to ensure it doesn’t overshadow other elements.
If something’s off? Return to the code editor for a few minor adjustments. This is the art of trial and error. And packet of patience.
The Moonlit Conclusion
Ah, there it is. The block beautifully placed after the buy button, glinting under the digital moonlight—ready to entice, to suggest companion products smartly. Each user path on your site is as varied as our jaunts home in moonlight, but now with this block adorned just right, we bring enlightening nudges to nudge that cart value higher.
In the end, much like the comforting predictability of Lucy’s questioning gaze—and the moon's unfaltering path in our evening skies—the intricacies of code sometimes guide a reluctant seeker toward unexpected enlightenment. More than a position change of an HTML element, we’ve twirled around in the dance of web elements and business strategy.
Never stop being curious, dear reader. Whether you’re stargazing or store-building, wonder leads the way. Happy coding!