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Send Shopify Form Submissions to WhatsApp A Humorous Guide

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    Entaice Braintrust

Send Shopify Form Submissions to WhatsApp: A Humorous Guide

We were lounging on a vintage beanbag—because who doesn't enjoy sinking into its mysterious depths—when Ben chimed in. "Why can’t we just send form submissions from Shopify straight to WhatsApp?" It was a classic puzzle, like finding unmatched socks, or why toothpaste only runs out when you're late. Ben, our eternally curious friend, always sparked these eureka moments. This time, he’d stumbled onto something rather curious and downright handy.

Picture this: you've got a Shopify form on the prowl for data like a paparazzo during awards season, and you want it to waltz right over to WhatsApp. Sounds simple, right? Not quite. But there’s good news—it's possible with a dash of tech-savviness and a sprinkle of patience.

The Plan: Taming the Data Beast

As we lounged, munching on popcorn from nowhere, we realized that to get Shopify forms to seamlessly shake hands with WhatsApp, we need a conduit—a magical pipe that transfers data between the two. Fortunately, the WhatsApp Business API is that enchanted tool we’re looking for.

Step 1: Set Up Shopify Webhooks

First, we need our tech cauldron—er, Shopify—set up to sling webhooks. These nifty little buggers notify us whenever someone submits a form. Imagine someone tugging on your digital shirt to say, "Hey, something just happened!"

  • Navigate to Settings on your Shopify admin page.
  • Now head on over to Notifications.
  • Scroll down to Webhooks and click Create Webhook.

At this point, we were feeling rather pleased, like discovering an extra donut hidden under the salad—who knew technology could be this rewarding?

Step 2: Host a Webhook Receiver

Things were getting spicy, like a habanero pepper in a tech salsa, but this was no time to back down. We needed a server to catch these webhooks like a seasoned outfielder. If you’re familiar with platforms like Firebase or services like Heroku, we’re almost home.

Here’s an example receiver setup in Node.js:

const express = require('express')
const bodyParser = require('body-parser')

const app = express()
app.use(bodyParser.json())'/webhook', (req, res) => {
  console.log('Webhook received:', req.body)
  // Next step: Send this data to WhatsApp
  res.status(200).send('Webhook received!')

app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server is running on port 3000'))

So there we were, wrangling code like pros—even though none of us really knew what ‘middleware’ meant without a quick search.

Step 3: Connect to WhatsApp

Back to Ben who muttered, "To boldly go where no data has gone before." Thanks to this infectious optimism, we set our sights on the WhatsApp Business API, ready to bridge our server with the WhatsApp goodness.

Function calls to the WhatsApp API require OAuth2 authentication—fancy, but necessary. It’s like needing a passport to visit Australia, except it's mostly digital.

Here’s a conceptual gem from our messy notes:

const axios = require('axios')

function sendToWhatsApp(messageContent) {
    .post('', {
      headers: { Authorization: `Bearer {your-access-token}` },
      data: {
        messaging_product: 'whatsapp',
        to: '{recipient-phone-number}',
        text: { body: messageContent },
    .then((response) => console.log('Message Sent!', response))
    .catch((error) => console.error('Something went wrong:', error))

Step 4: Test, Giggle, Repeat

It was time—glasses (of soda) raised in anticipation. Testing our franken-bridge was more suspenseful than any thriller Netflix could stream. Yet there it was: a notification on WhatsApp. We shrieked triumphantly like victorious soccer stadium fans. Or was it the caffeine?

Full Circle: A Sweet Digital Symphony

In retrospect, this journey was our tech wizardry test. From button clicks in the Shopify universe to the chatting pastures of WhatsApp, it was equal parts comedy, minor panic, and friendship dependency-test. Never did a success taste so sweet—or as enabled by Ben's epiphany moments on our beloved time-weathered beanbag.

There you have it, friends. From one face-palming realization to another, we crafted a bridge connecting Shopify forms with the much-beloved WhatsApp. Next time Ben comes up with an idea, maybe we won't be so quick to scoff. Until the next digital adventure!