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How to Duplicate a Shopify Collection Like a Pro

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    Entaice Braintrust

Hey there! Looks like you’ve stumbled upon the need to duplicate a collection in your Shopify store. Maybe you’re experimenting with different marketing strategies, or perhaps, you’re scaling up and need to refine the shopper's experience without reinventing the wheel each time. Whatever the reason, I’m here to walk you through the cloning process, making it a breeze for you, as if you're just setting up another playlist in your music app.

Getting the Basics Right

First things first—Shopify doesn’t directly offer a "duplicate collection" button. Surprising, right? But no worries, the workaround is straightforward. We can either manually duplicate the collection or use some simple tools or apps that can do the heavy lifting for us.

Manual Duplication: Step-by-Step

Think of this like making a mixtape for a friend, but instead of songs, you're lining up products. Here’s how:

  1. Access Your Shopify Admin: Log in to your dashboard. This is where you control everything that happens in your store.

  2. Navigate to the Collections Page: Here you’ll see a list of all your collections. Find the one you want to duplicate and click on it.

  3. Note Down the Details: You'll need the title, description, and conditions of the collection. Keep a tab open or jot these down.

  4. Create a New Collection: Go back to the main Collections page and click on ‘Create collection’.

  5. Fill in the Details: Input the title (you might add “copy” or a date to differentiate), description, and any conditions that products need to meet to be included. This is akin to selecting the theme or mood for your playlist.

  6. Add Products: If the original collection was manually curated, you’d need to add the same products. This can be the most time-consuming step, especially if your collection is large. For automated collections defined by conditions, products will populate based on those rules.

  7. Save Your New Collection: Once you’re done, hit save. Voila! You’ve got a clone!

Using Apps to Streamline the Process

If manually copying sounds like a drag (and it can be if you're dealing with numerous or complex collections), the Shopify App Store is your next stop. Apps like "Duplicate" or "Bulk Product Edit" can automate the duplication process with a few clicks. Here’s a simplified walkthrough:

  1. Install an App: Choose an app that fits your needs from the Shopify App Store and install it.

  2. Open the App in Your Shopify Admin: You’ll usually find it under ‘Apps’ in your dashboard.

  3. Select Your Collection: Follow the app’s instructions to select and duplicate your collection. These apps often offer customization options, like renaming the duplicated collection or selecting specific aspects to copy.

  4. Review and Save: Ensure everything looks good, and then save. The app takes care of duplicating the conditions and products automatically.

Why Even Duplicate?

You might wonder why go through this trouble. Duplicating collections can be incredibly handy. Say you have a seasonal collection—“Summer Essentials.” Summer rolls away, and it’s time for “Winter Essentials.” Instead of starting from scratch, duplicate the summer collection and swap out flip-flops for scarves and hats. It’s about working smarter, not harder—streamlining your processes like how Atomic Habits suggests building efficient systems for everyday habits.

Tips for Collection Management

  • Stay Organized: Name your collections clearly. Like naming files on your computer, proper names help you quickly identify and manage collections later.

  • Regular Updates: Markets and trends evolve. Regularly updating collections—whether manually or through duplication—keeps your store fresh and engaging.

  • Use Analytics: Just as a coach reviews game tapes, use Shopify’s analytics to see which collections perform best and refine your strategy accordingly.

Summing Up

Duplicating collections in Shopify isn’t just about copying and pasting. It’s about making your store management more efficient, giving you more time to focus on growth and less on repetitive tasks. Like shaping a sculpture, start with a rough duplicate and then refine it to suit your current needs.

By following these steps, you’re not only saving time but also ensuring that your store remains dynamic and tailored to meet your business strategies. So go ahead, give it a try, and watch how a simple act of duplication can streamline your operations significantly. Cheers to smarter e-commerce managing!