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Tailoring Your Shopify Storefront- How to Hide Collection Titles

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    Entaice Braintrust

Hey! So, you want to tweak your Shopify shop a bit? Specifically, hiding those collection titles that might be messing with your clean, sleek storefront vibe, right? It sounds like a subtle change, but it can make a world of difference in how your shop feels to visitors.

Why Hide Collection Titles?

Imagine walking into a physical store with huge signs everywhere—not only can it feel cluttered, but it sometimes takes away from the elegance of the space. The same applies to your online store. Hiding collection titles can streamline the look of your pages, focus more on your products themselves, and maybe even improve the overall user navigation. It's all about curating that perfect customer journey.

Let's Get to It: Hiding Those Titles

Step 1: Access Your Shopify Admin

First up, log into your Shopify admin. This is your command center. Pretty much any major change that you want to make to your store—big or little—starts here.

Step 2: Dive Into Themes

Once you're in the admin, look for the Online Store section and click on Themes. You'll see your current theme there, waiting for you. Here's a tip: before you change anything, think about creating a duplicate of your theme—just a quick backup. Click on Actions and then Duplicate. Better safe than sorry!

Step 3: Edit Code

Now for the nitty-gritty part. Go to Actions again and this time select Edit code. This is where you can really customize how your shop works and feels.

Step 4: Locate The Right Files

Inside the code editor, you'll need to find the files that control the display of your collection titles. Typically, this will be something along the lines of collection-template.liquid or collection-listing.liquid, but it can differ slightly depending on how your theme is set up.

Step 5: Comment Out the Title

Here's where you get your hands a bit dirty with code, but don’t worry—it’s simpler than it sounds. Find where the collection title is coded. It usually looks something like:

<h1>{{ collection.title }}</h1>

To hide it, you’re going to cover it up with Liquid’s comment tags. Change it to:

{% comment %}
<h1>{{ collection.title }}</h1>
{% endcomment %}

What this does is essentially turn the title into a ghost among the code—it's still there, but no one will see it.

Step 6: Check and Save

Hit preview. Take a walk through your store as if you’re a customer. Feels different, right? If you're happy with how it looks, save the changes. If not, tweak a bit more or even revert back if you change your mind.

Alternative Method: CSS Trickery

If tinkering with code isn’t your cup of tea, there's another route—using CSS to hide the title. Back in your theme code editor, find your active theme’s CSS file—often named theme.scss.liquid or similar.

Add the following snippet at the bottom of the file:

.collection-title {
  display: none;

Make sure .collection-title matches the CSS class used in your theme for the collection titles. This method is like throwing an invisibility cloak over the titles—simple and effective.

Wrapping Up

And that’s about it. Whether you choose the direct template editing method or the CSS approach, you’ve successfully adjusted a fundamental element of your Shopify storefront. This isn't just about hiding a title; it's about shaping the user experience and making sure your shop reflects your vision.

Keep experimenting with different customizations. Each small tweak teaches you a bit more about how Shopify works and how you can control the narrative of your online store. Remember, every element of your store is a building block in your business’s foundation. Adjust, improve, and evolve.

So, go ahead, play around with what your Shopify can do. Maybe next, you'll figure out how to reorganize products for better visibility or perhaps tweak the checkout process to be smoother. Each little adjustment can lead to better customer experiences. Let's make your Shopify store not just functional, but also a perfect fit for your brand.