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Transforming Corners A Journey to Round the Edges of Your Shopify Store

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    Entaice Braintrust

Transforming Corners: A Journey to Round the Edges of Your Shopify Store

Remember that time when rounding corners wasn't just about deleting sharp angles, but rather a pilgrimage to the heart of design itself? We were camping in the outback—no Wi-Fi, of course. The stars were our data points, the crackling campfire our only source of inspiration. That was the exact moment we came up with the idea: wouldn’t it be absolutely epic to make our digital spaces as welcoming as that night was? But let’s cut to the chase—you wanted to make your Shopify product and collection images circular, didn’t you? Just like the dreamscape around our campfire, let’s bring that magic right onto your digital store shelves.

Round the Bend: Starting Our Circular Journey

Picture this: we're about to embark on a mission, a crusade if you will. Here we go—armed with our laptops, a zeal for renovation, and a not-so-die-hard understanding of CSS coding. Today, we're going to take those rectangles and mold them into delightful circles, like making homemade biscuits. Delicious code biscuits. Anyway, let’s not veer off course. Here’s how we satisfy that curvature craving for your Shopify product photos.

  1. Navigate to Your Shopify Dashboard: First things first, log into Shopify. Decisions are best made with a full view, so dive into that dashboard with purpose. A cup of coffee might help, but that’s purely optional.

  2. Dive into the World of Themes: Click on 'Online Store' and under that heartfelt heading, you'll see 'Themes'. Now, I remember Tim, who once said, "You can’t rush perfection," when trying to find the right theme. Take it from Tim—you don’t want to rush this; scroll down to the intricacies of your theme.

  3. Customize Theme... or Rather, Elevate It: Hit that ‘Customize’. We’ve always thought 'customize' lacks the poetic oomph. Maybe 'elevate'. Let’s go with that—click to elevate your theme.

  4. Explore the Minds of Theme Editing Through CSS: Now, here is where the magic happens! Find and open up the 'Actions' dropdown—click 'Edit Code’. Our virtual toolbox is now yours, fully open for exploration.

Dancing with Code: Enchant Your Images

Here we need to conjure a dervish dance of coding prowess—fear not, it's easier than wrangling crossing wires (or that tangled box of Christmas lights).

  1. Find Your Stylesheet: Seek out that Stylesheet—usually under 'Assets', sometimes it’s named with some variation like 'theme.scss.liquid' or ‘styles.css’. If it were a dusty library, this would be the back corner where hidden artists file their secrets.

  2. Sprinkle Your Code: Here’s where it doesn’t hurt to channel your inner wizard. Locate where product images make their appearance in code, or, for this wild ride, add it to the bottom. Our spell? It's simple yet revolutionary:

    .product-grid-item img,
    .product-single__photo img {
      border-radius: 50%;
      overflow: hidden;

    This stylish snippet will round those squares out. Let the wonders of CSS work their charm.

Encircling Completion: Finish in Style

After updating your code, let’s hit preview. Always gives me the jitters. Fingers crossed, right? You’re running the zoom controls like a seasoned captain through starry seas. Play with your website, sneak through corners, and verify that every photo is satisfyingly round.

Now that your digital storefront has that cozy, rounded appearance, it’s time to sign off and invite your visitors to enjoy the newly refreshed atmosphere. It’s like we just served hot cocoa and homemade cookies in web-design form—round cookies. Each photo is an invitation, like friends coming together around a perfectly round campfire.

Embark on the rest of your design journey equipped with these tools in your back pocket. Feel free to share this soulful little adventure with others looking to revamp their Shopify experience. Always remember, even in our sleekest designs, it’s the rounded edges that make us human.