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Transforming Your Shopify Product Page A Journey Towards Aesthetic Perfection

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    Entaice Braintrust

Transforming Your Shopify Product Page: A Journey Towards Aesthetic Perfection

Once upon a time, in the ever-chaotic land called "My Shopify Store," we faced a great design dilemma. It was a tale many of us know too well, gazing at our screens trying to make our product pages look like the sleek, tantalizing versions we saved in our camera rolls. Honestly, was it too much to ask to have lines and filter options on mobile and desktop that made perfectionists every inch as giddy as watching a crisp Gantt chart? No, I tell you, absolutely not. So, we embarked on a whimsical journey to craft a solution.

The Mobile Layout Mystery

Ah, mobile screens—the tiny canvases that drive ambition and frustration in equal measure. We always imagine our mobile layout as the embodiment of varnished elegance, but the reality sometimes offers inspiration straight out of a Jackson Pollock painting.

To draw those delicate lines and tweak filter options to your heart's content on mobile, here's what we did:

  1. Navigate to Shopify Admin: Our quest always started with the command center, the Shopify admin panel.

  2. Dive into Themes: From your admin dashboard, we embarked on the path: Online Store > Themes.

  3. Theme Customization: We clicked on "Actions" and then "Edit code" because we were brave.

  4. Customizing CSS: Under "Assets," we found our friends, the CSS files. We chose the CSS file that managed our mobile layout (often theme.scss.liquid).

  5. Adding Lines and Borders: We fashioned a style hero by adding CSS to make product images pop and items glisten like worldly treasures. Here’s an example to add horizontal lines:

    .product-item {
      border-bottom: 1px solid black;
  6. Filter Options: We tweaked our CSS selectors to enhance filter options, giving them a cozy nook in our layouts:

    .filter-option {
      padding: 8px;
      display: block;
  7. Review and Refresh: Saving our work like an artist signing their name at the bottom of a masterpiece and checking on live devices.

Desktop Delights

Onward to desktops, those large landscapes vast enough to display our genius! Our favorite tools? HTML edits and some good ol' CSS.

  1. Seek the Template: Within the "Sections" directory, we meticulously snorkeled through product-template.liquid.

  2. Creating Structure: We played around with the HTML to enhance placement and organization of elements — think divs stacked like Jenga blocks but prettier.

  3. More CSS Love: Back to CSS we went—our universal language—with its curly brackets and fancy selectors:

    .desktop-product {
      display: flex;
      justify-content: space-between;
  4. Prettifying Filters: Focused on decluttering—like spring cleaning but with pixels—we introduced groupings and alignment:

    .filter-section {
      margin-left: auto;
      text-align: right;

It was vital to keep refreshing our tired eyes and clearing our browser cache, ensuring our changes bloomed before our eyes.

Saying Goodbye to "Filter" Text

In our odyssey, we sometimes had to bid farewell to elements overstaying their welcome — quite like letting go of snacks hiding in the back of the pantry past their expiry.

  1. Locate the Code: Back in the land of code—specifically in collection.liquid or wherever the filter first appeared.

  2. Vanquish the Text: We commented out or removed the Filter: label:

    {%- comment -%}
    {%- endcomment -%}
  3. Test and Triumph: After changes, we executed multiple trials, celebrating each tiny victory with a cheer!

The Happy Result

In the end, our product pages didn't just look like the images we wanted; they became even better, bragging clear filters and sleek lines—a dazzling testament to our journey.

Building and customizing on Shopify might often feel like a mix between a cozy game of Tetris and an obstacle course, but every tweak is a step towards your vision. Now, let us toast our newfound aesthetic marvel—cheers to you and your shop's dazzling metamorphosis!

Here’s to happy designing, experimenting, and persevering! The world is your digital oyster. May it hold both the pearl of knowledge and the scrumptious taste of success. 🌟